Quartz pendants (cuar) Quartz pendants of color stones, handmade peruvian natural jewelry wholesale Price $0.49
Piedra stone necklaces (peco) Necklaces with natural piedra stones, wholesale peruvian jewelry Price $3.57
Stone shakira necklaces (stne) Stone shakira necklaces, beaded handmade jewelry wholesale Price $1.55
Bamboo and piedra stone necklaces (bane) Necklaces with bamboo and color piedra stones, wholesale Peruvian jewelry Price $5.15
Crucifix pendant (pekr) Metal crucifix pendant with coloured glass, handmade peruvian jewelry Price $0.93
Quartz stone necklace (peah) Quartz stone necklace with pendants, wholesale handmade Inca jewelry Price $5.02
Handmade choker necklace (neco) Color handmade choker necklace, handmade beaded jewelry wholesale Price $5.72
Stone necklaces (pede) Stone necklaces made with natural stones, wholesale beaded jewelry Price $3.78